BLOG - Negative Capability Press

Susan Martinello—Press Release—Little Gears of Time

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Negative Capability Press is delighted to announce the publication (August 2020) of SUSAN MARTINELLO’s book, Little Gears of Time.

Susan Martinello is a award-winning poet with roots in New England. She eared a B.A. from Wellesley College before moving to Europe. She currently resides in Gulf Shores, Alabama where this book, in and of itself, can be likened to a perfect storm. It arrives, stirs memory, and leaves a lasting impression.

Little Gears of Time is a family saga, a story of generations, of mothers and daughters that make the past walk into the present. Carlos Dews, Director of the Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy, says that “Martinello’s collection could not be more relevant, given the fault lines of American life that are so exposed in contemporary life. Only through work like this one can the rifts that separate Americans be healed.” He likens this work to that of Walt Whitman.

Sena Jeter Naslund, professor, and author of Ahab’s Wife, Four Spirits, and Abundance who was recently inducted into Kentucky’s Hall of Fame, asks, in relation to Martinello’s book: “What can we give our mothers to heal their wounds? What can we tell our daughters so that they tur their futures toward Happiness? This is a book that can strengthen generations.”

Charlotte Pence, Director of the Stokes Center for Creative Writing at the University of South Alabama says that Martinello’s book expands the boundaries of what poetry can be by adeptly using persona and history to explore multiple generations of women based on her family members.

Negative Capability Press recognizes that in our current time, we need to affirm the strength of woman who rear the next generations by not only acknowledging the past but moving the gears of time into the present age and beyond.

Little Gears of Time is available on Amazon.

Sue Walker, Negative Capability Press.