BLOG - Negative Capability Press

Maybe Success & Failure are Twins

Czeslaw Milosz was born on June 29, 1911 -- 103 years ago -- and we are still reading his words and learning from his wisdom.  Words do not die as people do -- and though we misuse them and say the things we did not mean and fail to say the things we should -- and even if we never publish a single thing, we are wordsmiths. 

Milosz said: 

“You see how I try
To reach with words
What matters most
And how I fail.”

And he said that "the living owe it to those who no longer speak to tell their story for them." 

But what of love, one of the main themes of literature? Milosz said:  "Yet falling in love is not the same as being able to love."  

In the corner of my garage is a tiny nest. I must have been passing by it for days without seeing it was there. I eased up to it to peek in -- and for a moment a tiny bird and I eyed each other before she flew away.  I do not know if there were eggs in that nest. I did not want to touch it so the bird would fail to return.  Maybe love is like that -- right under our noses and we fail to realize it is there.